
I am a home base, partner, mother of three, grower, creator, warrior, (music) maker, (peace) keeper, balancer, lover, observer, teacher, transformer, culinary alchemist, mender, builder, defender, steward, Christian, human being.vh%dnudmq4swnetdndn8qg

This blog is a record of the conscious cultivation of my home sphere.   A home sphere made of fabric and rising bread.  Routines and rough edges.  Explosions and blissful stillness.  Sand in the bathtub and bicycles left out in the snow.  And, beyond that, a home sphere of the heart.  An inner harbor from which to ask “what is it that matters most in this passing-in-a-blink moment on earth?”

I believe we are all in search of home. Whether we are singles or shepherds to a family of seven; stay at home parents, career driven, or by default bread winners; watching the world go by from the window of a nursing home or staring up at the ceiling from a bassinet, we are fighting to find a harbor in a sea of excess that reels up like monsters of the maps of old.  A sphere that was once given to us from tradition, now stands before us largely abandoned and forgotten, waiting to evolve by our hands, newly each day.  We are all of us searching for a harbor to rest and hear the Still Small Voice Within whisper to us, “Do not forget, this is why you came to earth.”

Although I do not often speak of it explicitly, my worldview is deeply shaped by Anthroposophy and Waldorf values in the home.  Are you wondering about this path?  I am always happy to answer questions.  Please reach out via email or join in the conversation by commenting.  I would love to hear from you!

My hope is that among these pages you will find something that helps you find your harbor, if even for a moment.  Because a moment can shift the course of an entire life.

“For where homemakers are working out of spiritual understanding, that is where the new society will arise. . . . The homemaker’s whole existence stands at the center of one of the greatest changes ever to take place in human history.” The Spiritual Tasks of the Homemaker, Manfred Schmidt-Brabant

7 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello. I noticed that you recommend Carlo Pietzner’s Advent story A Little Folk’s Winter’s Tale, which is now out of print and unavailable. I know this book very well from my years in Camphill. I also know that Carlo’s sons would be interested in having it reprinted if the knew it was wanted. What do you think? Have you had people requesting it? Thank you, Penelope


    • Hello Penelope. Sorry for the very slow reply! I have not been blogging as of late. I did not realize that “Winter’s Tale” was out of print. Sadly, I do not think many children today find it accessible unless it is brought in the classroom setting that has been cultivated to allow space for such reverent pictures. Many families are too busy rushing about for such a gem, or it is too Christian for others. My family still cherishes it, but even we have a hard time cultivating the right space for it, sadly 😦 There is only so much counter culture one can accomplish and still be authentic to the child’s experience.


  2. Pingback: any step in any direction | At the Altar of Family Life

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