planting seeds

DSC00124The spring flower bulbs and garlic are going into the ground this week. Each year we plant a few more of both during the four weeks of Michaelmas. Admittedly, we are still finding our way into celebrating this “festival of the future.” But planting bulbs in the fall was an easy one. This year, in addition to the collection of crocuses, tulips, daffodils and hyacinth that we already have, we are adding Dutch Irises, Salome Daffodils, Mickey Mouse Tulips (a favorite of Lu’s) and Chionodoxa.


It seems almost every year, we miss a garlic bulb during harvest and it ends up resting in the earth for another season. To our surprise it pops up amidst the future home of tomatoes or squash. It is proof that we can never be certain when the fruits of our labor will fully ripen.  Sometimes they emerge at the most unexpected times.


As we tuck each of the flower bulbs into the cold earth, we know, with no uncertainty, that their colorful blooms will signal the return of the sun. As the natural world dies around us, we plant these seeds of hope. Knowing they are awaiting their moment of resurrection under the frozen earth, instills in us the courage to fill the darkening days with our human, light-filled endeavors.


10 thoughts on “planting seeds

  1. Oh your last paragraph gave me chills. I so love the hope that comes with planting, whether it be seeds or bulbs.

    We got our garlic in the ground last weekend, it is tucked under a layer of leaves, and this week will get a layer of straw, ready for their deep winter sleep 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love that phrase: ‘we can never be certain when the fruits of our labour will filly ripen. Sometimes they emerge at the most unexpected times. It is so true, and of our whole lives, not just in the garden.’ These two sentences really stood out to me today and made me stop and reflect. Thank you!


    • Caring for home and family day after day–the hardest part for me is knowing that I am mostly planting seeds, if you will, that likely will not blossom until my children are grown into adulthood. Trusting that this will happen and pouring your being into it everyday, without immediate results is such a challenge isn’t it? Much different than the turn around in another job.

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      • Yes it is…i always remember reading about bamboo when my oldest was young – that the plant just grows roots for years and years, with nothing visible aboveo the ground, and then suddenly grows upwards several metres in a year! Its a bit like that raising children i think!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely. And thank you for inspiring me to plant bulbs. I will talk it over with Keenan tonight and hope that next weekend we, too, can plant into the future. Hugs.


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